Sunday, February 24, 2013

Grandma Kay

Four years ago I lost someone very special to me. I wrote a two page blog about everything I felt that day and my anger surrounding her death and funeral, but it's not here. I realized that however therapeutic it was for me to write all of that out, it didn't need to end up on here. So today I just want to say I miss you Grandma Kay.

gma kay and me.jpg

 I miss your stuffed artichokes and meatballs. I miss your practical jokes and making me laugh. I miss the way you thought everything was a conspiracy: “I swear Jewel and Dominick's get together and put the same stuff on sale each week!”  

I miss your flowers and the way you kept the house so spotless. I miss the way you pretended to hate the dogs but then would secretly feed them ice cream in private. I miss the way you always said, “oh c’mon!” every time we would tease you. 

I miss the way you would yell at the Cubs players on TV even though I’m pretty sure you knew nothing about baseball. I miss you stopping to talk to EVERYONE in the store. I miss going to Caputos with you and listening to you speak Italian with the butcher. 

I miss your giving spirit. I miss how much you cared about our family.  

I miss you.  I love you. 

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