Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers

Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers from Wendys remind of my mom. And how much she loves me. Everytime I eat one, I'm brought back to my childhood and special times with my mom.

Because my parents were doemstic missionaires when I was kid (and still are) money was always a bit tight. We lived a frugal life but as a kid I never really seemed to notice. Eating out was a rare occasion and therefore a special one.

Living in rural New Hampshire made things like trips to walmart and the grocery store a lengthy experience.  For us our weekly shopping trip to Concord was an all day experience. My mom would pile my brother and I into the car in the morning and hopefully we'd make back in time to start dinner for my dad.

On these all-day excursions, we would naturally get hungry. In our younger days my mom would just pack snacks for us but when we were a little older fast food restaruants launched the dollar menu. Thus the Wendy trips began.

My mom would drive up to Wendys in the middle of long shopping day and allow us to order two things off the dollar menu and if we were really lucky, three things. And most always it was a Jr.Bacon Cheeseburger and a smally fry. And maybe a frosty if it was a really special day.

As a kid I never really recognized the sacrfices my parents made for my brother and I, but as I look on those days of the Jr.Bacon Cheeseburger I'm reminded about how excited my mom was to be able to provide those cheeseburgers for us. It brought her joy to give us that special treat. Becuase she loved us and wanted to bless us. And that memory blesses me (see my previous entry for my definition of blessed).

Her joy in providing us a special treat reminds me of our Lord. The Bible says that he delights in us - his children (Zephaniah 3:17). He loves to bless us - to give us "Jr.Bacon Cheeseburgers".

So everytime I see a Jr.Bacon Cheesburger I remember my mom. and her sacrifces. and her love. And in return I'm reminded of the Lord and how he longs to bless me. 

So thanks mom, for being an example of Christ's love to me even as a kid when I didn't always recognize it. 

Thanks for Jr.Bacon Cheesburgers.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

On the road to become truly blessed.

This will be a quick post as I am off to work but I really felt the need to post ASAP, so forgive me if my writing is weaker than normal.

The bloodshed behind our cheap clothes" 

That is the headline regarding the most recent factory malfunction in Bangladesh. For most people they don't want to think about where our clothes and shoes and tennis rackets and plastic ware come from. They just walk into target and complain about prices and taxes and buy it. 

We are beyond spoiled. The fact that we can walk into Walmart or Target and just buy what we need is amazing but then to think about how did that product come to us. It's a harsh reality that much of our "stuff" is made by human beings working under oppressive conditions with little compensation. 

The Lord has been softening my heart to this for many years but recently he really has challenged Zack and I to put our faith into works. We made the commitment about a month ago to start living a more simple lifestyle but to also stop purchasing goods that are not made through fair trade or in America. 

I LOVE to shop. Always have. But my love for shopping is not nearly as important as humans lives in countries like Bangladesh, Indonesia, and China.

See, as a Christian, I believe we will ALL stand before God. And I believe that God will ask American Christians about the spending and purchasing habits. And I don't think ignorance (which I hardly doubt you can claim with such renowned media sources like CNN) is going to cut. it. And in fact, I know it's not.

Read Matthew 25. Jesus says to all the good religious people (yeah, those people who sit in church every Sunday and don't swear and don't drink or have sex before marriage and maybe even read their Bible - those good religious people) "DEPART FROM ME, you who are cursed" That's right! Jesus said that to the good Christians! Why? Because they did not care for the least of these. They didn't care for the homeless in their town, the abused children in their neighborhood, the people working in sweatshops in Bangladesh  I'm not going to lie - that describes many of the good Christians I know and even myself at times - yikes! If that's not convicting - I don't know what is! 

As Americans we need to start to realize that our "stuff" was made a great price to someone else. And we need to do something about it. Zack and I have started to support local business and organizations that make products fairly and in sustainable ways. Yes, its expensive. Much more expensive than buying at Target (I stopped shopping at walmart almost 3 years ago because of their inhumane practices oversea and their issues with gender equality in the states). Because things are more expensive it also means we have to live more simply, which as Christians, I think we are called to do anyway. 

In our American Churches we often hear the American Dream preached right alongside the Gospel. Somehow, I don't think God is very please with that. In fact the American Dream has turned into something EXTREMELY anti-biblical and not godly at all.

So Zack and I have started to walk away from that dream and God has given us a new way to live life. We like to call it Kingdom Minded. All that we do, we do it for God's kingdom and the advancement of Christ. This includes how we spend our money and the things we support with our time. 

If there is one thing that God taught me during my time in India it was the meaning of the word blessed. I had always read the beatitudes in Matthew 5 with a sort of puzzlement. "Blessed are those who mourn? Blessed are the poor? Blessed are broken? What?" But I began to realize that the way we used the bless in American Christian culture is so opposite of God's definition of being blessed. 

We use the word blessed to mean "something I like has happened to me". I'm blessed to have a new car. I'm blessed to have healthy children. I'm blessed our house didn't get hit by flooding (I even had to catch myself saying that last month with all of the flooding by us).

But see God's definition of blessed is different. His definition is himself. We are blessed when we are with God. God is the only true blessing. So when we are broken, we can see God more clearly - we are blessed. When we are "pure in heart" we see God - we are blessed. When we are poor we don't have "stuff" that clutters our hearts and minds that blocks our view of God (I saw this so clearly in India amidst the poverty there) and when we can hear him and see him - we are blessed. 

This is the mission Zack and I are on. To become truly blessed - to see and be with God. And we believe to do this we must get rid of things that blocks are view of him (for use that means getting rid of our need for "stuff") but it also means treating people, whether we know them or not, with dignity and humanely. 

So this is where we are at. A new chapter in our lives. A total lifestyle change. And even though this lifestyle adjustment is hard, ya know what? We are really excited about it! And we can't wait to see what God is going to do in our lives and through us! 

As an advocate at heart, I really hope that this has sparked something inside of you and maybe are one step closer to a lifestyle change yourself. Please let us know if you have questions as we would love to take this journey with you!

I've listed some websites and organizations we have found helpful in this journey below.